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Czech technical standards – electronic access

ČSN online

Czech technical standards are available to all library users in PDF format via the ČSN online service:

  • in the library
  • remotely – via Shibboleth, using a university account and an LDAP password (it is not necessary to be in the university network)

Access to standards in the library

Information on the ČSN Online database

The database makes available:

  • all valid standards issued by the Czech Standardization Agency (formerly the Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and Testing)
  • invalid standards that lost their validity after 1997

The ČSN online for libraries service does not allow printing of standards, only their viewing on a computer.

Due to licensing restrictions it is not possible to print or otherwise reproduce the standards, i.e. they neither cannot be copied free of charge nor sent by e-mail (or via other electronic means). The restriction is based on the Czech Standardization Agency regulation on the use and reproduction of standards (in Czech).

Remote access to the ČSN online database for VSB-TUO has been in operation since May 2021.

The access is provided free of charge only to students and pedagogical staff of the university on the basis of an agreement between VSB-TUO and Czech Standardization Agency.

The database contains full texts of all valid Czech technical standards and technical standardization information. PDF files can be viewed only, printing is not possible.

In order to be able to read the standards, it is necessary to install Adobe Acrobat Reader ver. 8 or later + FileOpen plugin, and carefully read the technical and license conditions for using the service.

Detailed technical and license conditions for the use of Czech technical standards can be found here (in Czech).

Czech technical standards – printed

In justified cases exclusively on the basis of the requirements of users from the ranks of university employees printed versions of Czech technical standards can be purchased for the needs of a workplace (these will not be registered in the Central Library collections), see Lists of ČSN standards, detailed search in standards (in Czech).

Foreign standards – electronic access

  • Access to the full texts of foreign standards is currently provided to the university only by IEEE, IEEE/ASTM and SMPTE publishers via the IEEE Xplore Digital Library database interface.

Foreign standards – printed

  • The library ensures the purchase of printed foreign standards – both individual standards as well as sets of standards in book form.
  • Foreign standards are purchased to the library collection in the same way as foreign books, see Purchase of printed books (in Czech).
  • Printed foreign standards in the library collection can be found in the online catalogue: vyhledavani-normy
  • Standards can usually be borrowed off-site (unless they belong to a departmental library) with the exception of international ISO and IEC standards.
  • Due to copyright protection, only in-house use is allowed for international ISO and IEC standards: