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Legislative Framework

  • The Higher Education Act
  • The Copyright Act
  • Study and Examination Regulations

Faculty Guidelines for Elaborating the Final Thesis

Referencing & Citing


  • Citing is the process of including details of your sources within the text of your assignment. This is also known as an in-text citation.
    • Example: Our results are closely linked to papers of Kilian et al. (2009) and Riggi and Venditti (2015) who also examine the oil market and its relations to real economic activity or the level of export.


  • Referencing is the process of acknowledging in detail all the information sources (books, journal articles, images, data, web pages etc.) that you have used in completing an assignment.
  • References form a list with full details of sources placed at the end of an assignment or paper.
    • Example:

ALQUIST, R., and KILIAN, L. (2010). What Do We Learn from the Price of Crude Oil
Futures? Journal of Applied Econometrics, 25(4), 539-73.

AASTVEIR, K. A., BJORNLAND, H. C., and THORSRUD, L. A. (2015). What Drives
Oil-price? Emerging versus Developed Economies. Journal of Applied Econometrics,
30(7), 1013-1028. DOI: 10.1002/jae.1159

APARGIS, N., and MILLER, S. M. (2009). Do structural oil-market shocks affect stock
price? Energy Economics, 31(1), 569–575. DOI: 10.1016/j.eneco.2009.03.001

 How to use APA, Harvard, Chicago style and more, see

Submitting the Thesis

  • Edison School Information System

    The submission of the final thesis is governed by the Faculty Guidelines for Elaborating the Final Thesis. In all cases, the final thesis has to be uploaded to the Edison system, some faculties require printed copies as well.

    It is necessary

    • to fill in the abstract (annotation) and keywords (they must correspond to the printed version),
    • to separate individual keywords and phrases with a semicolon with a blank space on the right (; ),
    • to upload a file with the text of the work in PDF/A format (instructions for creating PDF/A are described in the Edison),
    • the uploaded file has to be the same as the printed version,
    • attachments have to be submitted in a compressed zip file.

    After submitting the thesis and its approval by the supervisor, it is no longer possible to manipulate the files in the Edison system.

    Maximum size of the uploaded files

    • 20 MB main text
    • 30 MB attachments
  • Digital Repository DSpace VSB-TUO

Plagiarism Check

Before submitting your thesis, it is possible to check your text for plagiarism by yourself using

This service is intended for anonymous use and will check not only term papers, but any other text, i.e. the final thesis. The provider is the Faculty of Informatics Masaryk University.