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Subscribed electronic resources of the VSB-TUO Central Library are available from the university computer network on the basis of IP addresses (with few exceptions).

Registered library users, VSB-TUO employees and students can access the e-resources using any Internet connection via:

Virtual Private Network – VPN

Virtual Private Network allows access to an internal institutional network from any Internet connection. This connection requires the installation of VPN client Cisco AnyConnect, which is available for all common operating systems. See instructions for install and setup at iDOC VŠB-TUO.

Shibboleth Login

Login by the native institutional environment of VSB-TUO using project Shibboleth and Czech academic identity federation

The Shibboleth login is supported by most of the available e-resources, but not by all.

In the current year, you can use it in:

  1. Databases
  2. Services

Visit desired e-source webpage and look for login link (Log in, Sign up etc.). On the login page, seek and choose "Institutional Login", "Login via your institution", etc. and select Czech academic identity federation or directly the VSB-Technical University of Ostrava. You will be redirected to institutional login at VŠB-TUO.

List of all service providers of using Shibboleth

Problems logging in

In case you encounter problems logging into any of the above-mentioned databases and services, do not hesitate to ask a librarian.

Whenever you believe that your inability to login is caused by wrong id or password entered, please contact The Center for Information Technology via idesk.