Study and Examination Regulations are based on the above-mentioned legislative standards and determine, among other things, how to proceed in the event that, for example, the author of the final thesis worked with sensitive data that were provided to him for the purpose of elaborating the final thesis by a cooperating company and this company does not wish to make the sensitive data publicly available. In such a case, sensitive data need to be processed in a separate report, and this separate work will be referenced in the final thesis.
Study and Examination Regulations for Study in Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Programmes VSB – Technical University of Ostrava (TUO_VP_19_002)
Article 26
(1) In the thesis, the student proves his/her ability to solve a problem assigned to him/her, the capability to present the problem both in oral and written forms, and to defend his/her individual viewpoint when solving it. The Bachelor’s thesis and diploma thesis differ in character of given problems and extent and depth of their processing. The elaboration of the Bachelor’s and Master thesis is a part of the study plan.
(2) Topics for theses are assigned on the basis of the thesis supervisor’s proposals and announced by the heads of departments always at the beginning of the academic year. Topics for theses may also come from proposals made by students (Section 62 (1) (f) of the Act). The topics, the way how they are made public and the student’s choice of the thesis are determined by the Dean.
(3) Assignments of theses include a brief characterization of problems to be solved and objectives to be reached, basic literature and the name of the thesis supervisor. The thesis supervisor may be a person who is employed at VSB-TUO or has concluded an agreement with VSB – Technical University of Ostrava outside employment. The thesis supervisor may also be a student of a doctoral degree programme at VSB-TUO in the full-time study form.
(4) The thesis supervisor and its opponent appointed by the head of the department will write opinions on this thesis. The student is entitled to get acquainted with these opinions at least three days before the defence takes place. If needed, the head of the department can appoint more opponents.
(5) The defence of the thesis begins with the student’s presentation of the main results contained in his/her thesis, after it he/she makes statements to the comments given in the thesis supervisor’s and the opponent’s or opponents’ opinions. Then a discussion follows.
(6) In submitting the thesis, the author agrees with its publication pursuant to the law, without any regard to the result of the defence.
(7) The thesis, submitted at least five working days before the defence takes place, must be open to the public at the seat of the department where the defence will take place and where the final state examination will be arranged. Everyone is allowed to make extracts, printouts and copies at his/her own expenses. The head of the department, who is responsible for the organization of the final state examination, ensures that a record is made of persons who have made use of this possibility.
(8) VSB-TUO sees to the non-profit publication of theses with the passed defence together with the opponent’s opinions and results of the defence through the database of theses, which is administered by the University Library and supported by the information system. The Faculty may postpone the publication of the thesis pursuant to Section 47b (4) of the Act. The request for postponement of publication is submitted by the thesis supervisor through the information system to the Vice-Dean for Study Affairs. The application must include a justification for the postponement and a deadline for publishing the work.
(9) Should the assessment of the thesis emerge from co-operation with other legal or non-legal persons, the introduction to the thesis usually includes a declaration made by a representative of the legal or non-legal person announcing that he/she accedes to publishing.
The formal layout of theses is set by the faculty regulation.
(10) Provisions as set in Pars. 7 – 8 are applied unless special legal regulations concerning intellectual property or business secret1) determine otherwise.
1) e.g. Act No. 121/2000 Coll. on Copyright and Rights Connected with Copyright and the amendments and supplements to some other acts.
Section 504 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll. Of the Civil Code.
Study and Examination Regulations for Study in Doctoral Degree Programmes VSB – Technical University of Ostrava (TUO_VP_07_005)
Art. 20
Doctoral thesis
(1) The doctoral thesis is the result of completing a specific scientific task, it demonstrates a student’s ability to work in a scientifically creative way, and must contain the original results of the scientific work. The doctoral thesis is a comprehensive dissertation that contains the original published scientific results of the student or results received for publication. For the doctoral thesis, a set of publications or the publication of accepted manuscripts with an integrative text can be accepted.
(2) In the case of a joint work of more authors, the student´s share must be clearly and materially determined, and the positions of the associates with their percentage share should be attached.
(3) The doctoral thesis is written in the language in which the doctoral degree programme is accredited and the study carried out. If the degree programme is accredited and the study done in Czech, the thesis may also be written in Slovak. at the request of the student and on the basis of the opinion of the supervisor and the faculty councils, the Dean decides in which language the doctoral thesis will be written according to Art. 14 paragraph 7.
(4) The doctoral thesis usually includes the following parts:
a) an annotation in Czech or Slovak and in English, to the extent of one text page,
b) an introduction and overview of the current state of the subject matter the doctoral thesis deals with,
c) the objective and content of the doctoral thesis,
d) processing methods,
e) doctoral thesis results mentioning new knowledge and how it is analysed,
f) specific conclusions for implementing it in practice or for further development of the discipline,
g) the literature used and other sources the student used or responded to,
h) a list of own work related to the doctoral thesis topic,
i) the conclusion of the work and recommendations for further research and development in one of the languages referred to in Art. 14 paragraph 7; the scope of this conclusion is approximately a one page text (if the doctoral thesis is written in one of the languages referred to in Art. 14 paragraph 7, the conclusion of this thesis and recommendations for further procedures must be written in Czech or Slovak).
A formal modification of the doctoral thesis is determined by the faculty.
(5) The student submits the doctoral thesis in electronic form and, at the same time, submits an application for defence. The Dean determines whether the dissertation should be submitted in hard copy.
(6) A supplement to the doctoral thesis can be a summarized report, which serves to inform the scientific public about the main results of the thesis. The content of the doctoral thesis is summarized in the abstract. Formal modification is determined by the faculty. The summarized report is written in the Czech language, or in the language in which the doctoral thesis was drafted. The summarized report is a one page abstract. If the summarized report is written in Czech, then the abstract is written in English. If the summarized report is written in a foreign language, the abstract is drawn up in Czech. The summarized report is submitted in electronic and printed form. The number of copies is determined by the Dean. The Dean determines the possible submission of the summarized report.
(7) It is true that by submitting a doctoral thesis the author agrees to publish his/her work according to the Act, regardless of the result of the defence.